Jean Soyer
A word from Juliette about the artist ...
It was through an agent of artists that I discovered Jean Soyer’s painting.
I met an extremely enthusiastic and dynamic artist who makes you live his painting when you have the happiness and the chance to have it in a gallery or in a Fair: he "taps" everyone so much we are attentive to his gestures, his expressions… he is not stingy with his explanations and one can only be charmed in his company and convinced in front of his works. It’s always a big disappointment when an admirer comes to the gallery and doesn’t have the pleasure, the joy of his presence… they tell me!
I find him in total communion with his work!
I was seduced in front of his works by the chromatic matter, the power, the elegant but mastered gestures - he trained as a lithographer engraver at the Estienne School in Paris - who always pulls us up, gives us strength and momentum!
His paintings, dynamic, positive and harmonious in his compositions are, for me, a dialogue from which emerges the powerful taste of life and the sensuality of the emotions offered ... feelings shared by all visitors in front of his paintings.
It’s a firework of colors, shapes, it moves, it dances, it envelops us ...
Everyone can see what they want: "This is the reason why I do not give any title to my paintings," he told me, so as not to lock yourself in and give free rein to your imagination. "
Click here to learn more about Jean Soyer